Tractors in Uganda
Tractors in Uganda’s capital Kampala.
The incident comes as Uganda launched a campaign to eradicate the most deadly tropical cyclones in the world, which has killed more than 30 million people in total.
On Sunday, the International Health Organisation warned of Zika virus transmission and advised the World Health Organization to deploy 3,500 children and teenagers in schools in the affected countries.
A UN official said: “There is widespread concern about Zika virus transmission in countries where there is low and very high rates and the WHO urges the international community to undertake prompt efforts to control (Zika Virus). There are no effective means of preventing the spread of the disease anywhere in the world.”
Facts are not yet known about Zika virus infection in Uganda. Tractors in Uganda
WHO director-general Dr Brian Mulally said: “Despite a rapid response, there are a few risks to the public and health system. Zika virus can be transmitted through bodily fluids or contaminated food, as well as via sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and among individuals who are born and are exposed to Zika virus.
“There have been no confirmed cases of people in the world born without proof of Zika virus being circulating as of November 6, 2010.”